Delivering masks for our members

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For the last few weeks Larrakia Nation staff have been delivering masks to our members. Have you got yours yet?

To keep our Larrakia members safe, we’ve been dropping off a 50 pack of masks to all members in Darwin and Palmerston because the mask mandate isn’t going to end anytime soon and keeping members safe is our priority. Distributing masks was something practical we could do to help people stay safe.

Yasmin Good has been delivering the masks through the Hosts program at Larrakia Nation, and said people are happy to receive their masks, and are grateful to have more masks delivered.

If you’re a LNAC member but haven’t got yours yet, it could be because your member details are out of date. To update your details head to our website to update your details. or ring the office on 8948 3733.

Focus on members 

Masks are just one of the many benefits of being a LNAC member. Up to date membership means being informed of LNAC activities that benefit members and tailored communication that keeps members informed of what LNAC is doing and how.

We currently have more than 600 members who are descendants from the eight family groups named in the Kenbi Land Claim:  Batcho, Browne/Talbot/Kenyon, Cubillo, Fejo, McLennan, Raymond/Mills, Roman and Shepherd.

Any Larrakia person is eligible for membership and can apply by filling in the membership form. Approvals are done monthly at the board meetings. People under the age of 18 are associate members until they become adults.

Member benefits

Members receive a number of benefits, including:

  • The election of family representatives at the Annual General Meeting
  • Letters of Aboriginality
  • Advocacy on your behalf
  • Assistance with vehicles and seating for funerals
  • Assistance with money for travel to sporting carnivals
  • Booking the Larrakia community centre for events and meetings
  • Access to Larrakia Nation records and archives
  • Free tickets to events


To find out more head to our membership page on our website you can fill in your membership form on the site too. Or give the office a ring on 8948 3733.