New CEO for Darwin’s most influential Aboriginal corporation


Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation (LNAC) is the peak body for the Traditional Owners of the Darwin region and one of the largest not-for-profit employers of Aboriginal people in Darwin.

Our organisation plays a vital role in changing the expectations around what it means to be Traditional Owners of the NT’s capital city, and the role Larrakia people play in the day-to-day inclusion and recognition of Aboriginal culture in all facets of Darwin life.

LNAC has made incredible progress since 2016 and has a reputable place at the decision-making table in the Darwin Region.

Recently, the Larrakia Nation Board took the decision to make the role of the CEO an identified position. Chairman Jerome Cubillo declared “It is time to acknowledge Aboriginal people have the skills and experience to be leaders of our own organisations, and we are proud to announce that we have appointed local Aboriginal man Michael Rotumah to the Acting Chief Executive Officer role at LNAC.

Michael is from the Minaga clan in Western Arnhem Land who grew up in Darwin, and has spent much of his life living, working and raising his family on Larrakia Country. He is perfectly placed culturally and professionally to lead our important organisation as we continue to rise.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to be given this opportunity and be guided by the Larrakia Nation Board. I believe the future is right for Larrakia Nation and we are looking forward to working more closely with Larrakia Development Corporation and being a united group to get the best outcomes for Larrakia people” said Michael recently at a formal introduction to members and partners.

Michael has had a successful and diverse career. He has experience working across all levels of government, significantly influencing policy that places Aboriginal people front and centre, as well as experience in the private sector as an Aboriginal Business owner and leader. Michael currently sits as a non-executive Director on a number of Boards including the Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network, Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation, Yilli Rreung Aboriginal Corporation and Yilli Corporation Trust.

Michael will be acting in the CEO role for six months while Larrakia Nation undertakes a robust and comprehensive recruitment process to identify the Nation’s next full time CEO. The Nation is excited about the future for our organisation and our members and believes that this appointment is a demonstration of our intent to elevate Aboriginal leadership and opportunities on Larrakia Country

For more information contact LNAC EMAIL or PHONE 08 8948 3733