Our Outreach services are:
- Night and Day Patrol
- Healthy Engagement and Assistance in the Long Grass (HEAL)
- Palmerston Family and Cultural Centre
- Return to Country
- Larrakia Hosts
Our services provide people with vital services and are largely designed to meet the needs of our most vulnerable. Access to stable accommodation, avoiding home eviction, travel back to community, linking up with AOD service providers and health care and opportunities for cultural connection through art.
More recently our Larrakia Hosts program facilitates the understanding, recognition and application of Larrakia culture through Welcome to Country services, school and work based education and Indigenous business development.
Night and day PATROL

Our Patrol Services operate 7 days a week from 5am to 2am.
Ring 1800PATROL (1800728765)
They assist by:
- Relocating a person to a ‘safe’ environment such as a relative’s home, recognised safe house, woman’s refuge, hospital, sobering-up shelter or other medical facility;
- Diffusing violent situations where it is safe to do so;
- Diverting intoxicated people away from contact with the criminal justice system;
- Providing advice, information or referral to another service;
- Focusing on assisting youth, especially those at risk and reducing the demand placed on other services;
- Encouraging and supporting individuals to maintain social connections with home communities, including liaison with our Return to Country Program;
- Providing information to clients and supporting access to safe shelters in the event of a cyclone; and
- Strengthening the existing transport services to assist the target population in accessing other services.
Contact our Patrol Services here.
Visitor and information centre

Operating hours: Monday – Friday 10am to 2pm.
Location: 33 Smith Street, Smith Street Mall.
Contact: 08 8948 3733 or email laison@larrakia.com
Larrakia Nation advocates for all First Nations people who live and visit the traditional land of the Larrakia. Through our Information and Visitor Centre we work with federal, state and local government, businesses and organisations that operate on our Country.
Our centre is space where we can champion and support First Nations businesses and individuals. An example of this support is in the arts where we showcase and sell First Nation art.
Our centre is an information and referral space that allows us to:
- Promote and educate visitors about Larrakia Protocols.
- Have a Larrakia presence in the CBD to act as the cultural authority of the Traditional Owners of this country.
- Offer a culturally safe place to engage with the businesses, organisations, community and visitors who wish to learn about the Larrakia and Larrakia Nation’s service delivery.
- Display artwork of Larrakia and the First Nations artists who live in Darwin.
- Exhibit and sell Larrakia and First Nation’s artwork.
- Engage customers to commission artwork by our artists and auspice the project.
- Provide a space for other communities groups and organisations to work with Larrakia Nation and provide services for our members.
- Host events in a culturally safe environment.
- Training facility for clients of our fee for service cultural activities.
- Connect and learn from groups and organisations running Indigenous community events on Larrakia Country and elsewhere in the Territory.
- Work closely with the Larrakia Host Program and make referrals to other Larrakia Nation programs.
Please note: Larrakia Nation is a not-for-profit organisation so all fees and commissions go back into Larrakia Nation service delivery and help to secure a future for our important programs. Thank you for your support!

Operating Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:30pm
The HEAL focuses on support for people living rough in Darwin-Palmerston areas. We provide health and social transport and advocacy, personal hygiene access and education, linen and bedding where necessary, and social and community engagement through assistance with Larrakia Nation activities such as Arts in the Grass.
With the most visible and recognised services with indigenous clientele. The service is regularly called upon by other services and Agencies for assistance with:
- Reuniting lost family members;
- Territory housing waiting list (accommodation);
- Welfare checks (clients requiring urgent medical treatment);
- Funeral (contacting family);
- Support referrals (family and children services);
- Keeping family’s united;
- Court support (keeping clients informed and providing transport and support);
- Support link (government departments & N.T Police); and
- Returning clients back to communities.
Contact our HEAL team by email heal@larrakia.com or ring front office on 08 8948 3733
return to country

Operating Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:30pm
Email rtc.officer@larrakia.com or ring 1800 290 659 or 08 8945 5211
Running for over 20 years, this service offers Aboriginal customers a culturally safe place to book travel for returning to country, find accommodation while in Darwin, and access ID cards.
Proof Of Identification
Our IDs enable you to access bank accounts, local airlines, MVR, post office and Centrelink.
For people born in the NT we require – one referee to confirm your identity
For people born interstate we require – An original birth certificate and two referees to confirm your identity
Cost: $60.00 for ID card and $30.00 for a replacement card.
Time: It takes 1 day to issue a card if you have your original Birth Certificate, or up to 1 week without it.
Click here to download application form
Click here to download Proof of Authorisation form
Click here to download Proof of Identity Reference
Return Home Service
Our Return to Country service enables you to travel home in affordable and achievable ways.
One-way tickets to your home community in the NT can be booked.
Cost: Cost of travel plus 20% admin fee
Accommodation Service
Our friendly staff can assist you to find low-cost accommodation when you are visiting town.
Clients are accommodated in suitable short-term hostels and must be willing to follow hostel/hotel service guidelines
Cost: Cost of accommodation plus 20% admin fee
Payments are deducted from Centrepay. Clients must sign a Centrepay deduction form and a contract to repay Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

Operating Monday to Friday – 10am to 2pm
Phone: 08 8948 3733
Email: liaison@larrakia.com
Host develops positive public perceptions and relationships through awareness of and respect for Larrakia culture. Aimed at visitors, businesses and residents of Darwin, our Host program promotes Larrakia culture and our expectations of how people should behave on our country
Our Host officers responsible for:
- Engaging with all visitors to ensure respect for the Larrakia Protocols and reduce antisocial behaviour.
- Provide Welcome to Country ceremonies, cultural awareness forums with businesses, organisations, community and visitors who wish to learn about or engage the Larrakia. See more about booking our cultural services here.
- Interact with tourists and the general public to provide context with the history of Darwin form an Indigenous prospective.
- Work closely with the Larrakia Visitor and Information Centre (see above) to engage with visitors.
- Work with other relevant agencies to promote collaboration and provide coordination for service delivery across government and non-government sectors.
- Promote activities within the community to help reduce anti-social behavior.
- Work in a way that is culturally appropriate with community.
For more information about Host please contact us.
palmerston family cultural centre

Our Palmerston Family Culture Centre is a safe meeting place for our people to share culture through art, craft, teaching and storytelling. We have art facilities and spaces for schools and community groups to meet and share their expressions of culture.
Our activities are led by Aboriginal cultural teachers and leaders.
Our programs:
- Young Mulligas and Cudgereis Holiday program
- Healing and wellbeing programs that support First Nations youth, families and elders.
- Family gathering days where families meet at our centre to focus on healing and wellbeing for the whole family.
- Working with schools to offer in school activities led by cultural educators that help students access cultural knowledge and connection as well as promoting school attendance.
- Working with over 40 service providers in the Palmerston region to support First Nations people.
If you have any questions about our programs please get in touch.
Address: 17 Georgina Crescent, Yarrawonga
Mail: PO Box 1098 Nightcliff NT 0810
Phone: 08 8931 2120
Email: fcc1@larrakia.com