Star supporters of Larrakia Aged Care
As one of the largest Aged Care providers in the NT, Larrakia Nation is always looking for support from the wider community to help cover costs of our social groups. Time and time again there are a core group of people who offer their time and resources to help the elderly in their community and to them we want to say a huge THANK YOU!
Under our funding model, the budget for activities that keep our clients socially, mentally and emotionally connected is very small – it’s tiny! Fiona Stoddart has the unenviable job as Aged Care Lifestyle Coach is to find businesses in the Darwin community willing to donate to help us offer a vibrant program for our elders.
“People are seriously amazing. They have a real sense of community and want to help” said Fiona who has skilfully pulled together a group of organisations always willing to support.
Bunnings, Big W Casuarina and Woolworths – thank you!
Tammy Messina from Darwin Bunnings, Samuel Muller from Big W in Casuarina and Paul Burgess from Woolworths Bakewell are consistently generous with requests for crafts days, Easter and Christmas events, supplies for fundraisers, and really anything we ask of them.
We cannot offer the level of care we do without your generosity and sense of community, and we are truly grateful. For example, we have a room full of Easter eggs ready for the clients next week donated by Paul and Samuel – its wonderful!
Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre a star supporter too
Another group who has been incredibly generous recently when we needed a bigger space for our social groups was the Michael Long Centre. For the month of February, we used their facilities free of charge for our social groups because our centre was too small to socially isolate properly.
The staff were so accommodating to what we needed, and nothing was a hassle. The whole crew made us feel welcome and it looked like (to us) they genuinely enjoyed having the elderly come three times a week to their centre.
What makes these stars donate?
We’ve been asked why people are so keen to support us, and after some thought we believe it’s because of two reasons. The first is we are working with the elderly and community minded people have a real desire to support and care for our elderly.
The other reason is that we don’t have much, and we do a lot with the little we have. We don’t put on flash events or spend money on big expensive things, we are careful with what we have and focus our energy and resources on providing the best possible service to our clients.
You can help too
Larrakia Aged Care is always on the hunt for businesses to support our social group activities. Your support doesn’t have to be money, it can be things or time too. If you’re interested, contact Fiona Stoddart ( to find out what events are being planned, and to find out what you can do to help to keep our clients happy.